Friday, April 6, 2007

Happy Easter!

Hello! We wanted to wish everyone a very happy Easter! Today I had the day off so I went and toured Lincoln Plating. It was fun to see what Jason does and where he works. It is nice to have a clearer picture in my mind now. Jayden went to KinderCare this morning for a couple hours because they were having their Wonder Walk for the March of Dimes (and so I could check out Lincoln Plating). Jayden raised enough money to earn a tee shirt. Every year they have a theme and the kids get to do all kinds of fun activities. This year they had a safari theme.
Tomorrow we are going to the Urkoski's house to celebrate Easter and on Sunday we are going to my parents' house to celebrate Easter with the Hoskins. Tonight we are going to church. We have a very busy weekend. Jayden has the most adorable Easter dress. I will be sending lots of pictures.
Jason has started mowing again for the season and is keeping busy. I on the other hand am working on report cards and some spring cleaning. I can't believe summer is almost here. We only have a couple months left of school. I am so excited to spend the summer with Jayden. Now that she is older we will be able to go to the park, swim, and get around town a little more than we were able to last summer. I love spending my summers with her! Well I better sign off. Jason just called and said he was coming home early and Jayden is waking up from her nap.

Happy Easter! Jesus is Alive!!!!!!

Erin <><

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