Saturday, February 24, 2007


Hello Everyone! I know it has been some time since I last updated the blog, but we have been busy with a sick little one. I think Jayden has been sick with something for an entire month. Right now we have been healthy for about two weeks. YEAH!!! It all started with bronchitis and an ear infection. Then she had just an ear infection. Finally, she had the flu. Let me tell you how fun it is to clean up poop and puke especially when they can't warn you it's coming. During one of our many visits to the doctor over the month we were told it is time to put tubes in Jayden's ears. She has had 5 ear infections since September. WOW!!! She has her pre operation appointment on March 2nd and we are shooting for her surgery during the second week in March when mom is on spring break.

Jason is still loving his job and is finding he does not miss grocery retail. Right now as I type we are getting pounded with snow. The flakes are HUGE!! It seems that as soon as the snow melts we get more. Hopefully Monday will be a snow day!!!!!!

Jayden is so much fun right now. She has learned and uses the signs for more, eat, please, and milk. She loves to play peek-a-boo and plays it any chance she gets. She is very much loving her Baby Einstein videos. She is also a great mommy to her babies. She wraps them in their blankets and feeds them their bottles. She is really starting to babble a lot, constantly it seems. She is also trying to copy words that are said to her. She has a great personality. Mommy and Daddy love her to death and are very proud of her. She is now almost 15 months and is growing up way too fast.

I have a great class this year. The school year is flying by so fast. It is over half way done and then I can be home with Jayden all summer.

We hope you are all well. There is a lot if sickness going around this winter.

Love, Erin, Jason, and Jayden

1 comment:

The Baete's said...

Sounds like little Jayden is ready for a baby sister or brother. :)
I'm glad things are going well.
Keep on bloggin'.