Hello! I know, I know, it has been a very long time! As you can see from the title of this message we have had a busy summer! We are about 9 weeks along right now and are due March 22
nd. We had an ultrasound last week to confirm the due date. Our doctor likes to do an early ultrasound to help confirm due dates as well as see the heart beating before it can be picked up on the monitor. The baby had a very strong heart beat and so far looks great. It is an inch long. It was neat to see it moving around because at this point in the pregnancy it is not big enough to feel it. Here and there I can feel a tiny flutter. It is funny how with your second
pregnancy you know what the different feelings are. It is also funny how much quicker you start to show and can no longer fit into your pants. We are all very excited and already can't wait to meet the new little one. This pregnancy has been very different. With
Jayden I didn't feel sick a day. With this one I have felt sick almost daily, all day. Just in the past week I have been able to eat something
other than soup. I still can't bring myself to cook. Unfortunately we have been grabbing a lot of meals because I just can't stand the smell of cooking. I think before too much longer I will be over this, I hope. This past week I returned back to work and I have slowly been feeling a little better each day. I don't know if it is because I am forced to because of work or what. I have
ultrasound pictures, but will have to wait until Jason is home to scan them. I still don't know how to use everything on our new computer. I
promise I will get pictures on this weekend. That is our new and very exciting news.
Please keep us and the pregnancy in your thoughts and prayers.
Jason is still loving his job. He has been traveling a little lately. Luckily he only has gone 4 hours away to visit with his customers, which is nice because he is home the same day. Erik
Burback just started working on Jason's line. He is liking it as well.
Jason got a new toy. We found a GREAT deal on a 1993 Suburban. It has only had one owner and all they used it for was towing their camper. It has the full tow package. He thinks he is cool because he went to a s
mall town around here and loaded up
Jordyn's car and hauled it to Lincoln. You know Jason, he loves that kind of stuff. The Suburban is in mint condition. Everything under the hood is labeled (this man loved his truck). It has 69, 000 miles on it, which is about half our Honda had and it was newer. We sold the
Honda. I was a little sad. That was the first car/big purchase Jason and I made together. We also brought our first born home in that car. He wasn't sad! Men just don't get it. I remember crying as a child when we traded our station wagon with the fake wood on the side for another station wagon with the fake wood on the side. I don't know what I was thinking.
This summer Jason's grandpa passed away. He had been very sick and went home to be with the
Lord. He will be missed by many.
Like I mentioned before I am back to work. My room is all ready and I have planned through the first week. The kids start Monday. I was able to
meet most of them at open house last week.
Jayden on the other hand was
soooo excited to go back to school. She ran down the hall to her room screaming, laughing, and clapping all while dragging her Disney
Princess backpack on wheels. It was so cute! It feels so good that she loves it there. They do so many fun things with them.
They have water day, park day, the
cloggers came to perform for them, and much more. Her teachers say they have to move her when she wakes up
from her nap because she will just sit on her mat reading and talking and it wakes the other sleeping kids up. I don't have a clue where she gets that from (ha, ha). We are also
potty training. It is going GREAT! She loves to go potty, or
PaPa as she calls it. She also loves the potty dance we do after she uses the big girl potty. She is getting SO BIG!
Well, we hope all is well with everyone. I am way behind on everything around my house due to work and not feeling so hot. I need to get a few things done because my parents are watching
Jayden tonight. Jason and I are going to be working with the youth group at church this year, so we have our youth launch meeting tonight. We love you all! I promise more updated pictures will be coming to the BLOG soon!
Jason, Erin,
Jayden, and Baby Chambers <><